Comments on: What Is The Millennial Age Range In 2024 And What Does That Mean Financially? Navigating Money And Education Thu, 15 Feb 2024 18:04:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: WizeOld1 Wed, 02 Oct 2019 00:06:47 +0000 There are stereotypes regarding every generation, with each and every younger one on a mission to “ruin the world” and the older ones “being outdated.” Cookie cutter mentality is not beneficial. It takes all kinds of ideas, thoughts, and people of all ages to make the world go ’round.

By: Janis Mon, 01 Jul 2019 14:35:43 +0000 It’s disheartening to see so many comments sections devolve into arguments about which subset of Americans have it worse, and whose fault it is. It’s impossible to live perfectly responsible for what someone else might see as your charge. IMHO, it’s the older generation who’s responsible for teaching the younger generations what it means to be responsible, and how to do accomplish it. Conversely, learning isn’t passive. In the end, if America’s not doing it, we’re all to blame. The fault lies with the folk who are unwilling to introspect and make behavioral changes, learn, and continue to make changes based on perceived effectiveness, and stop the s* that isn’t effective.

Let me put it another way: if you’re busy online saying “poor me and it’s all your fault,” you’re the problem. Focus on something solvable, from rural elder-care to immigrant kids. There’s a world of choice. All we have to do, now, to pay back our debt, is figure out which billionaire wants to help older folks and sick kids.

Or we can seriously, thoughtfully, consider wealth inequality instead of pointing our fingers at various age groups.

By: Emily Fri, 10 May 2019 18:37:43 +0000 In reply to MammaM.

Most people my age (18) have boomer parents in their late 50s, but I know one who’s parents had them when they were very young around our age and they’re both technically classified into the same generation. But they identify with Gen X more for the same reason as you

By: Ann Sun, 28 Oct 2018 00:21:49 +0000 In reply to Mike.

Omg! Just last night I was frustrated by her narrow mind and said, “Thank God for Millennials ” they have no patients for old white people. They think they’ve majorly screwed things up and cant wait for them to die off so be nice

By: Sena Demiryaban Thu, 02 Aug 2018 22:45:56 +0000 Having seen many comments about the representation of millennials, there has been a set stereotype. The representation of millennials being unmotivated, unwilling to work, and being immodest and obscene, is taken through the inconsideration of not understanding the pressure they are being put through with the development of the world through many aspects. If many people took the time to evaluate the pressure through education, technology and media presence, social ability and the impact within the lifestyle has increased massively.

Through the pressure of education, there has been an increased set of expectations for an individual by people around them. It has been set to many students that not completing a course and getting an excellent qualification is a representation of failure and disapproval, socially and financially. Due to the increased pressure many students have dedicated a whole lot of their time to studying and achieving the results, however this is an unrealistic aspiration as many people have different sets of abilities. Many students are set to have physical and active talent within society, however the pressure of getting a higher level of qualification through education within specific retails such as an office job, has set a wrong tone leading to demotivation and increased defiance. Being an 18 year old, for some people I may not be classified as a millennial, however, I feel the pressure so imagine the generation above me. Through education I have finnished my Alevels and during that period of time I bombarded myself with huge amounts of study time, and had decreased the amount of social life I had, which lead to me having barely enough time to myself let alone my family that I live with.

This moves onto the social aspect of misrepresentation. Many millennials are seen to be obscene, immodest and quite cold. However, this sense of pressure in succeeding would and has tired and weared out the majority of people, which has caused a decreased in social abilities and impressions. Also adding onto the cold representation of many people has been to the distrust that has been set within social norms. Having this cheery and talkative representation has been set to represent an untrusting individual, while in fact is a personality of kindness and warmness to set to someone within their conversation. This has caused many people to become closed of to people outside and set a barrier with communication. Having this pressure had lead to people becoming unweary about individuals around them, and the disappearance of basic manners of thank you, hello, and goodbye. This has been a negative impact that needs to be re-evaluated and considerated by society, but has been developed due to the pressure and exhaustion.

Leading to technology and media presence this has been a massive issue, as it has become a platform for many people of sharing unrealistic happiness and experiences in life. Many people have become aware of how distressing it has become to view the unrealistic representation in life, making them feel unhappy and depressed about their life. This has a massive impact mentally on an individual which is hard to see as to the barrier developed. However, when people complain that millennials and the younger generation are obsessed with technology, it need to be thought out because it also has a positive impact. Technology has allowed many people to speak out about many topic that are relevant to the 21st century, such as ‘Blacklivesmatter’, ‘LGBTQ community’, the ‘Metoo’ movement and ‘the wage gap’. Having these topics being discussed also set another tone to many millannials and the oncoming community to have an impact and change the world.

Having read this myself it already creates pressure and tension, imagine the pressure millennials and the oncoming adults have, and please consider the stereotypes that’s are set, it’s inconsiderate and unthoughtfull.
